Our Products
Between technology and innovation, there are no boundaries. At Ma.ti.ka. we realize industrial fans that work to achieve the maximum energy saving and the minimum environmental impact. All our fans “think” in 360°: they cooperate with other system elements, making the whole installation environment efficient.
“In the company, we apply the principles of Lean Thinking to achieve product perfection.
Lean Innovation creates value for customers but especially for the company.
On the one hand, it reduces the technology gap between customer expectations, new product features, and company services;
on the other hand, it minimizes the so-called time to market, i.e., the time from the conception of a product to its actual commercialization.
Lean Thinking is a significant business challenge and requires the company to make a path, not only listening to the needs of customers
but understanding their expressed priorities, indications, and suggestions to build together with them a relationship
and experience in continuous improvement.”
Elisabetta Ziliotto